The Factoryville and Dalton United Methodist Churches celebrate the ways we share our gifts, talents and time in helping others. The list of ways is long for small churches and we are grateful for the ways God has blessed us to be a blessing to others!
Monetary donations: UMCOR Food Bucket project, Sunday school books & bibles, CHOP – Child Hunger Outreach Partners, Sly Lake summer camp scholarships, Seven Loaves Kitchen, CASA, UMC Maui Disaster Fund, and United Methodist Student Day donations, Seven Loaves Kitchen.
Some other Mission partnerships are: The Penn State sponsored “Seeds to Supper” program; an Easter meal served to residents of Christy Mathewson Apts; preparing flood buckets with other area UM churches; hosting free ice cream at the Factoryville Creekside Park children’s play day, the Christy Mathewson play at Keystone college, and the Fleetville Fair; an appreciation picnic for volunteers; honoring high school and college graduates and students; summer Vacation Bible school in partnership with Dalton UMC; and a monthly Foodshare in partnership with CEO.
Every year, we are looking forward to the joy of our Angel Tree with its Christmas blessings!
As the cold weather begins, we anticipate Code Blue notices in the coming months, reminding us of those in our communities who do not have shelter and who suffer greatly in the frigid temperatures.
We can be grateful for those in each of our churches who work all year round to make sleeping bags for those who in sleep in homeless shelters, in cars, and on the streets. Often called “Ugly quilts”, these sleeping bags provide a measure of comfort and warmth to those who have no bed or only a cot in a shelter. Our church folks send them off with love at a rate of 50 a year or more to area shelters or any who can use.
At Dalton UMC, a small sewing group meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 1-3 pm, to construct the sleeping bags. At Factoryville UMC, a group meets most Mondays, 10:30 am – noon. The name “Ugly quilts” arose due to the hodgepodge nature of using recycled materials but also the idea that “pretty” sleeping bags would more likely be stolen than ugly ones.
Anyone who wishes to is invited to come to help. There is a warm fellowship in this mission project. Sewing experience is not necessary as the sleeping bags are put together using simple hand stiches that are quite easy to learn. For more information call Elaine Shirk (570) 507-6023 at Factoryville UMC or Margaret Wanick (570) 598-3755 at Dalton UMC.