The Factoryville and Dalton United Methodist churches are rich in community friends. Our churches are gathering places for community partners and friends to meet for work, service, friendship, outreach, and helping. Our congregations work to make our facilities available for community use. Please contact us (Link to contacts below) if your organization wishes to use our space for regular meetings or one time events.
Community groups that we work with
Factoryville – Girl Scouts Troop xxxxx, Wyoming county 4-H sewing group, Endless Mountain Extended Care – Inpatient Residential Drug & Alcohol Treatment, Keystone College Student Life, Youth 4 Christ, Factoryville Borough, Lackawanna Trail Elementary Center
Dalton – Abington Ecumenical Ministerium, Summit Music Therapy, Cub Scout Pack 175, Brass Tacks AA, Dalton Fire Co., Dalton Community and Commerce Association (DCCA), Lackawanna Trail Elementary Center
Our congregations continually reach out to meet, learn about, and build relationships with new community groups in hope of expanding and strengthening our partnership and building unity.
Other Recent Partnerships include: Scout Troop 175, Penn State Master Gardner’s Seeds to Supper class, Scranton District UMC Lay Academy, Bright Beginnings Preschool
Our churches are blessed by our community partners who help us in not only in mission and ministry but also help care for our buildings and grounds. Thank you to Keystone College Student volunteers, Scout Troop 175 and Down to Brass Tacks AA.
Reach out
If Interested in joining us in our endeavors to give back to the community or are interested to lend out one of our spaces contact us and we will be glad to oblige!
Where to contact :
Dalton Church:
Factoryville Church:
Acts 20:35 : “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give to others than to receive.’ “
Prayer Box
We now have a Community Prayer Box at the corner of Wilson Street & College Ave in Factoryville. Don’t let your hopes, dreams, fears, concerns and prayers go unsaid. Give them to God! Place your prayers on a slip of paper in the slot (right above the cross) and the folks at the Factoryville United Methodist Church will pray with you. Drop them off when you are driving by or if in the FoodShare line. All prayers remain anonymous and confidential unless otherwise specified.